Heritage Preparatory School provides a challenging, exciting curriculum in a positive and nurturing atmosphere for students, starting in Kindergarten through to 5th grade.
HERITAGE Grammar Stage (1-5)
Lower School Curriculum (K-5)
Students in the Lower School have a home room teacher with whom they spend the majority of their time. We enhance the core curriculum with enrichment subjects including art, theatre, language, technology, physical education and weekly visits to our library.
Heritage Preparatory School Kindergarten program promotes academic excellence through an innovative curriculum that nurtures and cultivates the potential of each child. It provides opportunities for children to explore their world in a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment, where they can touch, examine, feel, manipulate, pick up and poke everything around them! Students continue to enjoy opportunities for exploration as well as an exceptional literacy and math program.
First graders make connections in reading with social studies, in math with science, and in the Fine Arts with our outstanding curriculum. Discovery is an important part of first grade and teachers have designed experiences that allow our students to see, touch, feel, read, write, count, and think about what is happening in the world around them. First grade is filled with joy as students discover that letters make words, words turn into sentences, and sentences transform into stories!
Second graders are growing in their sense of independence and their ability to read and write on their own. They attack more complicated math problems and develop their own style of writing. Second graders are interested in broad themes that integrate many aspects of a common topic. They continue to develop organizational skills and take pride in their work while beginning their lessons in cursive handwriting.
Third grade is all about students becoming independent, responsible learners who are ready for long-term projects. Students enjoy non-fiction information and are given opportunities to show their oral and written communication skills, along with their continued development of cursive handwriting techniques. Increased use of technology enhances projects and decreases time spent completing a task. Overall skills in the classroom improve dramatically.
Fourth grade is a year when students integrate all their skills more fully and demonstrate high levels of responsibility. They know which strategies work for them and are eager to develop a routine for work. Lessons in improving cursive handwriting continue for our fourth grade students.
Having established a foundation of skills and knowledge in our lower grades, our fifth graders are ready to develop more abstract thinking skills. They are allowed to work more independently to encourage self-reliance and in small groups to develop collaboration skills. Our teachers work to foster personal confidence and a true sense of family among our students. Fifth graders begin to choose their own styles, exihibit more polished cursive handwriting skillsets and produce higher levels of work samples for all subjects.
We equip our students with a college-preparatory, academic education, in a personalized and stimulating environment, which enables them to become independent, creative thinkers.
Pre-K & Kindergarten
Your children will be encouraged to follow their natural curiosity as they develop new skills, build their confidence and celebrate accomplishments.
Elementary School (1-5)
Your child will enjoy learning in ways that are engaging, inspiring, and encouraging to begin their love of learning.
Middle School (6-8)
Students are empowered to think on their own while understanding the world around them and their place in it.