HERITAGE Grammar Stage (1-5)

Heritage Preparatory School provides a challenging, exciting curriculum in a positive and nurturing atmosphere for students, starting in Kindergarten through to 5th grade.

Lower School Curriculum (K-5)

Students in the Lower School have a home room teacher with whom they spend the majority of their time. We enhance the core curriculum with enrichment subjects including art, theatre, language, technology, physical education and weekly visits to our library.

Heritage Preparatory School Kindergarten program promotes academic excellence through an innovative curriculum that nurtures and cultivates the potential of each child. It provides opportunities for children to explore their world in a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment, where they can touch, examine, feel, manipulate, pick up and poke everything around them! Students continue to enjoy opportunities for exploration as well as an exceptional literacy and math program.

The Kindergarten reading program is filled with the tools necessary for leading students down the path of literacy by combining reading and writing into a creative, positive and successful experience. Understanding the need for, as well as the appreciation of, literature is the primary goal. A balance of freedom and guidance enables students to develop their own cognitive reasoning skills and creative insight. They will be taught phonics, word skill, attack skills, and learn sight words to develop reading. Additionally, songs and rhymes are used to develop oral expression.
Exploring science is another important aspect of Kindergarten. The world around us is filled with tremendous wonders, which the students need to explore in order to understand. Experiments and hands-on activities provide great opportunities for discovery. Through our Science Fusion curriculum, students remain actively engaged in their studies through multimedia and digital interactive reinforcement exercises and games.
The Mathematics program uses a variety of manipulatives in order to enhance the learning process. Reproducing, sorting, clarifying, geometric shapes, number operations and extended patterns are some of the many basic themes covered. In order to stimulate interest and excitement, games and other group activities are frequently used.
In Kindergarten Social Studies, students learn about citizenship, celebrations and society’s expectations in fun and interactive ways. Using the Studies Weekly curriculum, each student has his or her own online account from which he or she may watch bonus videos, review class lessons, and create a home for their social studies avatar.
Our Lower School students study Spanish with students being taught basic vocabulary, conversational skills and thematic units of study. Students are encouraged to converse in Spanish with other students in order to build an even greater understanding of the language. Tools such as literature, music and video are also used to enhance learning.
Our students have a weekly “Challenge Masters” program that teaches 21st-century skills and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) principles through creative and collaborative problem-solving challenges. Students will experience the creative process from imagination to innovation to learn skills needed to succeed in school, career and life, including teamwork, communication, leadership, perseverance, creative and critical thinking, and self-confidence. Character education Lessons on character education will be incorporated as well.
As part of our school’s mission to “educate the whole child,” all students receive instruction in the Fine Arts. Students participate in weekly Visual Arts enrichment as part of the core curriculum, ending with the students’ work displayed at our annual spring Visual Arts Showcase. Additionally, students attend standalone Performing Arts classes, held in our rehearsal studio, which culminate in two mainstage theatre productions each year.
A full curriculum is taught that includes skill-building, hand/eye coordination and motor skill refinements. Students will be taught to utilize agility, endurance and teamwork by participating in exercise drills and sports games. Healthy lifestyles in and out of the school gym are encouraged and supported.
Our Lower School students utilize a mobile Apple iPad cart, stocked with iPad Air 2s. With enough iPads for every student in the class, teachers are able to utilize all of the exciting educational opportunities the iPad provides…from thousands of enrichment “apps” designed exclusively for the elementary classroom, to “outside the box” teaching methods taking the iPads on the go, around our campus.



We equip our students with a college-preparatory, academic education, in a personalized and stimulating environment, which enables them to become independent, creative thinkers.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

Your children will be encouraged to follow their natural curiosity as they develop new skills, build their confidence and celebrate accomplishments.

Elementary School (1-5)

Your child will enjoy learning in ways that are engaging, inspiring, and encouraging to begin their love of learning.

Middle School (6-8)

Students are empowered to think on their own while understanding the world around them and their place in it.
